The Committee Profile

The Committee Profile displays information about a committee.

Committee Profile Information

The Committee Profile displays the following information in the top portion of the profile:

Field Description
association Displays the association this committee belongs to.
code Displays the committee code assigned to this committee. This is used for identification purposes.
parent committee If this is a sub-committee this field displays the main committee.
committee Displays the name of the committee.
type Displays the type of committee being viewed. An example might be a membership committee.
begin date If the committee has a limited duration, this field displays the date the committee is set to begin.
end date If the committee has a limited duration, this field displays the date the committee is set to end.

Committee Profile Actions

The following actions can be performed from the Committee Profile:

Committee Profile Child Forms

The child forms section of the Committee Profile is broken down into several tabs. Each tab contains one or more child forms containing information pertinent to the committee.

The tabs available on the Committee Profile are:

  • Primary
  • Subcommittees
  • Nominations
  • History
  • Document
  • Related Products
  • Related Events
  • Setup

Primary Tab

The Primary tab contains the following child forms:


The Subcommittees tab contains the following child forms:



The History tab provides a record of all nominee transactions that occur with your committee. For example, all nominees that are accepted and transferred are detailed on the transferred nominees child form; all rejected nominees are shown on the rejected nominees child form; and all former participants that have been on the committee are demonstrated on the former participants child form. Any committee member that has ever been a part of your committee (or rejected) is kept track of on the History tab through one of its child forms.

The History tab contains the following child forms:


The Document tab keeps track of all associated documents that your committee creates such as Word documents, PDFs, surveys, handouts, meeting minutes, and so forth. This is accomplished on three child forms: the document child form, used for tracking documents such as Word, text, and PDF files; the external document child form, used to upload and link to documents on the Web site; and, finally, the minutes child form, used to keep track of your meeting minutes.

The Document tab contains the following child forms:

Related Products

The Related Products tab contains the following child form:

Related Events

The Related Events tab contains the following child form:


The Setup tab contains the following child forms: